The Lord led us to Peru in 1999 to serve among the Ashéninka people. He called us to a work we initially didn't think we were cut out for. But He enabled us and even used us to bring many to Christ and to plant churches. Now the fruit of that labor is growing and we are very pleased at what God is doing among this people group. Also during those years we kept filed away a deep desire for the salvation of the people of Southeast Asia (Dena is from Laos, SE Asia). Yet we knew without doubt that God called us to the Ashéninka people, so we have worked hard and waited on God for the other.
Back in the fall we began to sense that maybe the Lord was about to give us the green light to leave the Ashéninka work. We began to pray diligently and to look at the work, our team, and our calling. In December, one night while sitting in our mosquito net in an Ashéninka community, we came to a unanimous sense of release and conviction that God was saying "yes" to us and giving us permission to move on. We began to pray all the more and by February we were ready to initiate the process of transferring to Thailand to work among the Isaan people, descendants of Laos, speaking Isaan language, a blend of Lao and Thai. After several months of waiting the transfer was approved.
Now here's the announcement part: We are leaving the Ashéninka work as of the end of August and plan to relocate to Thailand in early March to begin work with the Isaan Team of Thailand.

we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. 1 Thess. 2:7-8
It's akin to letting a child leave home. We've in many respects raised these people as dear children. Now we have to entrust them to God to keep them faithful and help them grow. Yet the agony of the separation is already being felt and is sometimes very painful. We write these words together with heavy hearts and teary eyes. May the Lord help us bear the good-byes.
We will spend six months on stateside assignment in the USA before moving to Thailand. We look forward to seeing many of you during this time.
Our work in Thailand will have similar objectives: evangelism and church planting. However, Thailand is a land of Buddhism where Christian faith is often regarded as a westerners' religion. It is not like Peru where most people at a minimum have a Catholic background or have heard of God and Jesus. We are already praying for the people we will meet and share Christ with. We ask you to join us in doing the same. We will need your continued help as prayer supporters as we go through this transition-- moving, learning language and customs, and becoming a part of another team. Please also pray for Mark Caldwell who leads the Isaan Team and those who serve with him among the Isaan people.
Also, Michael and Crystal Gayheart of the Ashéninka Team need much faithful prayer as they develop strategy to reach the Ashéninka people of the Upper Ucayali River. They have a huge task, but God is bigger and is faithful to help them as He helped us. They will have great success and loads of fruit as they labor for Christ and as you pray for them.
Photos: Dena speaks with elderly Ashéninka Christian; rice fields in Isaan , Thailand; Isaan children, Thailand.