Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Big Thirst

Have you ever been in a place where you are dying for water? I (Dena) have and I want to tell you about it. I had to climb the bank of the river where it doesn’t even have a place for you to step. It is just some roots and just a little bit of a step. After you get to the top of the bank of the river then you begin to climb the steep hill until it comes to a flat plane for a while and that is where the house and field of one of the local believer is located. We rested for a while before we headed farther up the hill. I made a mistake in that I didn’t take my water bottle thinking that it wouldn’t be that bad, and, anyway, we were going to get sugar cane. So whenever the natives tell you that it isn’t very far, be prepared for some distance between you and your destination. To them it is not far because they have been walking and climbing those trails most of their lives. For someone coming from the city you can bet your pants on it that it will be very far. In a lot of cases I have taken my water bottle just in case. But this time I thought that I could just suck on the sugar cane to relieve me of my thirst. But the house was just half-way. We had to climb at least two more steep hills to get to where the sugar cane is planted. It’s good that you get to climb without anything to carry, but on the return you had better be prepared for the heavy load on your back.
The believers there have planted some pineapple and we were able to find a kind of ripe one for us to eat before going up the hill. Some of the pineapple was stolen from their field and there’s little they can do. They just have to put everything that they have planted in God’s hands, knowing that whoever took it will have to answer to God for stealing from those who have worked so hard, especially the children of God. Even the pineapple was a bit green but it was still sweet and didn’t have the bitter taste on your tongue like in the United States. It was refreshing to my thirsty mouth.
After eating the pineapple we were ready to continue to our destination to get those sugar canes. We walked down the hill to a creek in which I almost fell off the log bridge. Up the hill we then trudged. By the time we reached the field where the sugar cane was growing, my thirst was raging. If only I had brought that water bottle! In a short time my companions were cutting cane and peeling its tough outer covering away. When I was given a piece I shoved it into my mouth and sucked the sweet juice like my life depended on it. I don’t think I’ve ever been so thirsty. The natural goodness of the plant’s sugar-water was just what my system needed and in a few minutes I began to feel much better. The sugary juice is pure and contains no chemicals; nothing artificial—it’s just the way God made it.
This reminded me of how I should be—nothing impure or artificial added. God’s word is a guide for me along life’s paths. Sometimes my soul gets so thirsty I don’t think I can go another minute in this world. I can grasp for something that artificially satisfies me; something that distracts me from the stresses and tests of life, but in the end they all return. However if my Lord is my drink and my sustaining force I can find renewed strength. Moreover, He keeps me from slipping and getting hurt or from hurting others as I follow the instruction of His word and let Him carry me over life’s log bridges. Thank you Lord for the pure drink of your word and the everlasting refreshment it provides.


  1. Dena, I just finished writing about thirst/ living water, posted it, then clicked here to see what's happening on the homefront... only to realize we've both posted the very same concept! It is so very clear to me that God is mercifully weaving my path alongside yours. Wednesday night prayer time, the specific things you were/are praying, I am seeing unfold in my heart and my actions. Glory to the King of Kings who's up to something so great, neither of us could handle knowing now... I love you.

  2. Our thoughts and prayers from Rock Hill are with you all....

